Moto: “Place where pays; gods are laughing, women are smirking and men give a head!”
Visioon: If to perseverance we could add energy and brain we may get competent professianality.”


OÜ AT Nobe has in 2022 a tire sales campaign that lasts all year round.

The conditions are very serious and difficult: please take this seriously.

1. All persons, both individuals and companies, who have purchased 4 passenger car, van, SUV or truck tires from us at retail prices can participate
2. Only small groups from 4 persons can answer the question! Why is that? Because I am not looking for a spontaneous and emotional answer to the answer! What i am looking for, then? I am looking for an answer that has been found in a serious working debate, where the last argument has been heard! It’s not easy. Thinking is work, and that work must be done with all seriousness.
3. The answer to the question must be written on an A4 sheet of paper and signed by all participants.
4. On the page, please indicate the total amount of alcohol drunk and “per nose” (- if consumed naturally.)
5. The answers will be published on the website of OÜ AT Nobe in the section “Campaign 2022” – only the answer to the question and the first names of the respondents will be published.

Question: “What is the cunt?” (describe the cunt in your own words, how you see it)

For its part, OÜ AT Nobe puts it under his shoulder and makes a free installation of all 2022a tires purchased from us in the workshop of OÜ AT Nobe. This sentence does not apply to tires sold to cooperating dealers and ressellers. Nor does this offer extend to competing tire sales and operations companies.

“The women`s stripe is bold and lazy,
Therefore she`s stupid, and also crazy.
The man has tools to fix that story,
The road begins with: “I am sorry”.

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Campaign 2022

OÜ AT Nobe 2022 a tire sales campaign that lasts [...]

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